GRE Biology Practice Test Solved MCQs Questions Answers

(1) Life originated during:
(a) Pre-cambrian period
(b) Mesozoic era
(c) Coenozoic era.
(d) Proterozoic era
(e) None of these

(a) Pre-cambrian period

(2) Pancreas secrete:
(a) Pepsin
(b) Only hormones
(c) Only enzymes
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these

(e) None of these

(3) Louis Pasture is known for:
(a) Germ theory of disease
(b) Germ plasm theory
(c) Mutation theory
(d) Cell theory
(e) None of these

(a) Germ theory of disease

(4) Life originated:
(a) In air
(b) On land
(c) In water
(d) In all (a), (b) and (c)
(e) None of these

(c) In water

(5) Virus are:
(a) Unicellular
(b) Acellular
(c) Multicellular
(d) Free living
(e) None of these

(e) None of these

(6) Wings of insects and bats are examples of:
(a) Homologous organs
(b) Analogous organs
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Vestigial organs
(e) None of these

(b) Analogous organs

(7) Archeopteryx is a connecting link between:
(a) Amphibians and reptiles
(b) Reptiles and birds
(c) Birds and mammals
(d) Amphibians and birds
(e) None of these

(b) Reptiles and birds

(8) Lamarck’s theory of Evolution is based upon:
(a) Effect of environment
(b) Use and disuse of body parts
(c) Inheritance of Acquired characters
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(d) All of these

(9) Absorption of digested food occurs mainly in:
(a) Colon
(b) Small intestine
(c) Large intestine
(d) Stomach
(e) None of these

(b) Small intestine

(10) A renal portal system is found in:
(a) Man
(b) Horse
(c) Rabbit
(d) Frog
(e) None of these

(d) Frog

(xi) In a dihybrid cross, the ratio of F2 generation is:
(a) 9:3:3:1
(b) 3:1
(c) 1:2:1
(d) 1:1
(e) None of these

(xii) When a single gene has multiple effects, the phenomenon is called:
(a) Codominance
(b) Epistasis
(c) Pleiotropy
(d) Genostasis
(e) None of these

(xiii) Lamarck’s theory of evolution was published in:
(a) 1807
(b) 1808
(c) 1809
(d) 1810
(e) None of these

(xiv) The book “Origin of Species” was written by:
(a) Linnaeus
(b) Lamarck
(c) Mendel
(d) Darwin
(e) None of these

(xv) The interaction between algae and fungi to form lichen is called:
(a) Parasitism
(b) Mutalism
(c) Commensalism
(d) Amensalism
(e) None of these

(xvi) The actual location or place where an organism lives is called:
(a) Habitat
(b) Ecosystem
(c) Niche
(d) Biome
(e) None of these

(xvii) Which of the biomes has been increased in area by human activities?
(a) Savanna
(b) Grassland
(c) Desert
(d) Coniferous forest
(e) None of these

(xviii) Which zone of the lake ecosystem consists of phyto-and zoo-planktons?
(a) Littoral zone
(b) Limnetic zone
(c) Profundal zone
(d) Water deep layers
(e) None of these

(xix) Which of the following is a biotic component of an ecosystem?
(a) Producers
(b) Consumers
(c) Decomposers
(d) All of these
(e) None of these

(xx) A sequence of changes in the community structure of an ecosystem over a period of time is called:
(a) Natural selection
(b) Succession
(c) Neo-Darwinism
(d) Lamarckism
(e) None of thes