Unit-8 English 10th Questions Answers in Simple form

Unit-8  Poem Peace English 10th Questions Answers in Simple form. Class 10 English unit 8 question answers book excercise and lesson in pdf download free.

Questions Answer from Text Book Exercise

1. How is wind described in the first stanza?

Answer: Wind has been described as a monster of destruction in the first stanza.

2. With what wind is compared in the first stanza?

Answer: Wind is compared to a monster of destruction in the first stanza.

3. What is wind doing to all man’s work?

Answer: The wind is destroying man’s works.

4. How does the scene look like when wind is still?

Answer: It looks like eternal peace and the sky looks bright and blue.

5. What comparison is made in the second stanza?

Answer: In the second stanza, Wind is compared to a light breeze that glows gently.

Questions from Lesson:

1. With what the wind is compared?

Answer: Wind has been described as a monster of destruction.

2. Explain “its center is in truth”?

Answer: It means that peace is, in fact, its reality

Read also: Summary of “Peace”, Questions Answers Unit-9