
Agriculture Solved MCQs Questions Answers Tests

(1) Olericulture is the study dealing with: (a) Vegetable production (b) Honey bee (c) Ornamental Flowers (d) None of these (2) Colostrum is: (a) Low nutritive milk (b) First product of mammary glands after parturition (c) Product of mammary glands after two month of parturition (d) None of these (3) Banana fruit is classified in […]

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Sociology Solved MCQs Questions Answers Tests CSS PMS NTS Preparation

(1) Etnocentricism means: (a) Evaluating other cultures with the Yardstick of your own values. (b)Taking other nations as good as your own one but disowned (c)No other society is like your’s and your society or group is superior to others. (d) None of these. (2) Social facts have thier independent existence and must be studied

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Journalism Mass Communication Solved MCQs Questions Answers CSS PMS PCS Tests

(1) A large size head1ine across the entire page is called: (a) Deck (b) Banner (c) Lead (2) A sheet containing facts and detailed information on any issue is known as: (a) Summary (b) Write up (c) Backgrounder (3) The key Narrator of a newscast or program is called: (a) Announcer (b) Editor (c) Anchor

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Islamic History Culture Solved MCQs Questions Answers Tests CSS NTS PCS

i- Arabia is a largest tract of country in the——- of Asia. a-South East b-South West c-North East d-None of these ii- is called in Arab tradition “Year of the elephant” a- 650A.C b- 560AC c- 570AC d- None of these iii-ANSAR means a- defender b- helper c- rular d- None of these iv-The ninth

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