SBP Statistical Officer Past Paper pdf

SBP Statistical Officer Past Paper pdf and test pattern. Statistical Officer test will be MCQs type including Verbal MCQs, IQ MCQs and subject related mcqs. NTS Statistical Officer sample paper is here.


Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate word, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.

1. Because it arrives so early in the season, before many other birds, the robin has been called the _______ of spring.

A. hostage
B. autocrat
C. compass
D. newcomer
E. harbinger

Each question below consists of a related pair of words, followed by five lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.


A. vaccine: allergy
B. bacterium: microbe
C. gland: muscle
D. vein: organ


A. mane: lion
B. wattles: turkey
C. antlers: stag
D. hoofs: horse

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. temporary
B. shining
C. dull
D. permanent

Questions 5-8 are based on the following passage.

Although the schooling of fish is a familiar form of animal social behavior, how the school is formed and maintained is only beginning to be understood in detail. It had been thought that each fish maintains its position chiefly by means of vision. Our work has shown that, as each fish maintains its position, the lateral line, an organ sensitive to transitory changes in water displacement, is as important as vision. In each species a fish has a “preferred” distance and angle from its nearest neighbor. The ideal separation and bearing, however, are not maintained rigidly. The result is a probabilistic arrangement that appears like a random aggregation. The tendency of the fish to remain at the preferred distance and angle, however, serves to maintain the structure. Each fish, having established its position, uses its eyes and its lateral lines simultaneously to measure the speed of all the other fish in the school. It then adjusts its own speed to match a weighted average that emphasizes the contribution of nearby fish.

5. According to the passage, the structure of a fish school is dependent upon which of the following?

A. rigidly formed random aggregations
B. the tendency of each fish to remain at a preferred distance from neighboring fish
C. measurements of a weighted average by individual fish
D. both B & C

6. The word “its” in the passage refers to the

A. school of fish
B. fish
C. organs
D. structure

7. The author of the passage believes that the structure of fish schools is maintained through

A. vision only
B. lateral lines only
C. the eyes and lateral lines simultaneously
D. an organ not yet discovered

8. The passage suggests that, after establishing its position in the school formation, an individual fish will subsequently

A. maintain its preferred position primarily by visual and auditory means
B. make continuous sensory readjustments to its position within the school
C. make unexpected shifts in position only if threatened by external danger
D. surrender its ability to make quick, instinctive judgments


9. Picture is to Frame as:

A. Book is to Cover
B. Radio is to Recording
C. Cup is to Saucer
D. Table is to Floor

10. Which letter precedes the letter which is 13th from D?

A. P
B. R
C. Q
D. S
11. October is to August as tomorrow is to ______.

A. Day after tomorrow
B. Yesterday
C. Today
D. None of the above

12. A father is 5 times as old as his son. In 18 years, the father will be twice as old as his son. How old is the father at present?

A. 20 years
B. 30 years
C. 50 years
D. 40 years

13. Trace the stranger in the following group:

(Milk, Biscuit, Cake)

A. Milk
B. Biscuit
C. Cake
D. No stranger exists

14. In a “class” of 55 children, boys out number the girls by 15. How many girls are there in the class?

A. 26
B. 20
C. 22
D. 15

Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are seated in a circle facing centre.
F is between A and D.
C is between E and B.
E is not between D and C.
D is 2nd to the left of C.

15. Who is between A and C?

A. B
B. E
C. D
D. None of the above

16. If HOUSE=12345, TOUR=6237 and BOAT=8296, then THOSE=?

A. 61247
B. 61245
C. 57462
D. 61345
E. 62536

17. Find the odd-one out:

A. Chair
B. Sofa set
C. Carpet
D. Bench
E. Stool

18. Choose the correct spelling of the missing word from the given choices.
“Several _____ are performed at the time of marriage.”

A. Rites
B. Writes
C. Rights
D. Rates


19. Scatterness of all the observations from the central part of the data is known as:
A. Central tendency
B. Dispersion
C. Skewness
D. Kurtosis

20. The class having maximum frequency is called:
A. Median class
B. Mean class
C. Model class
D. None of the above

21. Price relative computed by chain base method is call:
A. Price relative
B. Chain indices
C. Link relatives
D. Formula relative

22. Bias of an estimator can be:
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Either positive or negative
D. Always zero

23. Equality of more than two population proportions can be tested by using:
A. Z- Test
B. t- Test
C. Chi Square test
D. F –Test
E. Bartlett’s Test

24. The correlation between the two variables is unity, there is:
A. Imperfect correlation
B. Perfect negative correlation
C. Perfect positive correlation
D. No correlation

25. Principal component analysis is __________.
A. A statistical procedure
B. Allows you to summarize the information content in large data tables
C. Uses a smaller set of “summary indices” that can be more easily visualized and analyzed
D. All of the above

26. One of the major benefit using moving average method as the number of periods increases will accomplish greater smoothing. But at the cost of:
A. Manager understanding
B. Accuracy
C. Stability
D. Responsive to change

27. Which of following is also objective of short range forecast?
A. Production planning
B. Inventory budgets
C. Research and development plans
D. Facility location
E. Job assignment

28. A population about which we wish to draw inferences is called:
A. Sampled population
B. Discrete population
C. Continuous population
D. Target population
E. Infinite population

Statistical Officer Answer Keys

Q #. Right Choice
1 E
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 D
6 B
7 C
8 B
9 A
10 A
11 B
12 B
13 A
14 B
15 B
16 B
17 C
18 A
19 B
20 C
21 C
22 C
23 C
24 C
25 D
26 D
27 C
28 D