PSEE Test of Judgement 375 Sample Questions for Preparation

PSEE Test of Judgement 375 Sample Questions for Preparation
Public Service Entrance Exam – Test of Judgement 375

Sample Question


You just completed a course at your supervisor’s request. While at the course, you learned that some of your office’s procedures are not in line with broader public service policies on protecting confidential information. All employees working in your unit had completed the same course previously, including your supervisor and her superior, yet no one has identified this oversight. You would be the first to draw attention to your unit’s faulty practices.


Speak with your supervisor immediately to quickly address the issue and implement correct procedures.

How effective is this response?

  1. Very ineffective
  2. Ineffective
  3. Somewhat ineffective
  4. Somewhat effective
  5. Effective
  6. Very effective

Rate the effectiveness of the response by selecting your answer.