ESE SESE SSE Stands for in Education in Pakistan, PST,EST and SST Stands for in Education Pakistan
ESE Stands for Elementary School Teacher, His basic pay scale is 14. His main duty is to teach the classes from Class 1 to Class 5th in a Govt.School However the headmaster can give him any period in higher classes to get benefit from his education.
SESE Stands for Senior Elementary School Teacher, His basic scale is 15. His Main duty is to teach the classes from Class 6th to Class 8th in a Govt.School However the headmaster can give him any period in higher classes 9th or 10th to get benefit from his education.
SSE Stands for Secondary School Teacher, His basic scale is 16. His Main duty is to teach the classes from Class 9th to Class 10th in a Govt.School However
the headmaster can give him any period in elementary classes 6th or 8th to get benefit from his education.
These above posts of ESE,SESE and SSE are contract basis, After 4 years they are regularized and nomenclature of their posts also changed from ESE to PST, SESE to EST and SSE to SST.
PST stands for Primary School Teacher,EST Stands for Elementary School Teacher and SST stands for Secondary School Teacher.If you need any other information regarding these posts/jobs, please comment us