CSS Suggested Books for Physics Geology Geography


1Prospectives of Modern PhysicsA. Beiser
2Fundamentals of PhysicsHalliday & Resnick
3Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and WavesD. Corson & P. Lorrain
4Engineering ElectronicsJ.D. Ryder
5Semiconductor ElectronicsJ.F. Gibbons
6Physics CourseBarkeley
7Heat and ThermodynamicsW. Zemanasky
8Nuclear PhysicsW.E. Burcham
9Nuclear PhysicsKaplan



1The Evolving EarthSawkins & others
Physical GeologySkinner & Porter
Structural GeologyPark
Geodynamics of PakistanFarah & Dejong
Invertibrate PalaentologyMoore, Laliker & Fisher
Stratigraphy and SedimentationKrumbein & Sloss
Stratigraphy of PakistanIbrahim Shah
MineralogyBerry & Manson
Igneous & Metamorphic PetrologyTurner & Verhoogen
Sedimentary RocksPettjohn
Mineral Directory of PakistanZaki Ahmed
Industrial Rocks and MineralsLefond
Geology of PetroleumLeverson
Energy ResourcesBrown & Skipsey
Engineering GeologyBeavis
Groundwater HydrologyTodd
Geological ProspectingKreiter
Techniques in Mineral ExplorationReedman


1Physical GeographyLake, P.
Physical GeographyStrahler, A.N.
An Introduction to ClimateTrewartha, G.T.
An Introduction to Map work and PracticalBygott J.
Maps and DiagramsMonkhouse, F.J. & Wilkinson, H.R.
Human GeographyDeblij, H.J.
Human GeographyBradford, M.G. & Kent, W.A.
Population GeographyJones, H.R.
Population GeographyClarke, J.I.
Economic GeographyPounds, N.
South AsiaJonson, B.L.C.
An Introduction to South AsiaFarmer, B.H.
A Geography of PakistanKureshy, K.U.