Punjab Public Service Commission PMS Syllabus

PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Botany Papers

PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Botany Papers PAPER-I Marks : 1001. Algae: Origin, evolution, distribution and classification with reference to range, structure, life-history, ecology and economic importance of Cyanophyta, Bacillariophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta. 2. Fungi: Structure of plant body; development of ascus, basidium and conidium; reproduction; classification; phylogeny, physiology and economic importance of […]

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PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Zoology Papers

PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Zoology Papers PAPER – I Total Marks: 100 Invertebrate and Chordate Zoology Section – A Invertebrate: Introduction General organizations (Structure, function, mode of life, Reproduction, life cycles, adaptation, distribution and Economic Importance) of the Following groups with special reference to the Topic mentioned in each group:- Protozoa: Animal –

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PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Commerce and Accounting

PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Commerce and Accounting PAPER-I Total Marks: 100A. Introduction to Accounting, generally accepted accounting principles, accounting cycle, cash book and bank reconciliation statement, work sheet. Depreciation, Financial Statements, financial reporting, cash flow statement, financial analysis,accounting for leasing, contract accounts. B. Principles of cost account, cost accounting as a tool of

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PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Economics

PAPER – I Part I MICROECONOMICS Total Marks: 100 1. Microeconomics: Meaning of microeconomics. Choice, scarcity and opportunity cost. Production Possibility frontier. Goals of microeconomic policy: efficiency and equity. 2. Market economy: Demand, Supply and Price determination. Individual and market demand. Changes in demand. Individual and market supply. Changes in supply. Market equilibrium and impact

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PMS Syllabus for Business Administration

PMS Syllabus for the Subject of Business Administration Papers Combined Competitive Examination. PMS Business Administration Syllabus, PMS Syllabus Business Administration download pdf. PAPER-I MANAGEMENT Total Marks: 100 1. Management yesterday and today , Historical background of Management, Managing in the New Era  The Internet, Globalization, Knowledge Management and Collaboration across “boundaries”. 2. Planning: Delivering strategic

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