SPSC Lecturer MCQS Sample Paper

SPSC Lecturer MCQS Sample Papers online practice test. SPSC Lecturer mock test free. Lecturer test preparation. Lecturer notes in pdf.

  1. Nuclear fusion, like nuclear fission, has which of the following characteristics?
    (A) Is it a chain process? (B) Is it exoergic? (C) Does it produce several radioactive products? (D) Does it involve isotopes of heavy nuclei?
  2. Which spectroscopy technique utilizes an energy source of approximately 70ev?
    (A) Mass spectroscopy (B) NMR spectroscopy (C) IR spectroscopy (D) Atomic absorption spectroscopy
  3. If the coordination number is 6, what is the corresponding radius ratio?
    (A) 0.155 (B) 0.414 (C) 0.225 (D) 0.7071
  4. What is the geometry and type of hybrid orbital present around the central atom in BF3?
    (A) Linear, sp (B) Trigonal planar, sp2 (C) Tetrahedral, sp3 (D) Pyramidal, sp3
  5. Why is 30 P15 unstable?
    (A) Its n/p ratio is just 1. (B) It is an odd-odd nucleus. (C) Its atomic number (Z) is odd. (D) It is chemically reactive.
  6. What is the term for the structure that remains after an acid has donated a proton?
    (A) Conjugate acid (B) Conjugate base (C) Conjugate salt (D) Conjugate proton
  7. In the molecule HB3, with an H-B-H bond angle of 120 degrees, what kind of hybridization is likely?
    (A) sp (B) sp2 (C) sp3 (D) sp3d
  8. Why does water have a higher boiling temperature than O2?
    (A) Water molecules have fewer electrons than O2. (B) Water molecules have two covalent bonds. (C) Water molecules have a V-shape. (D) Water molecules have a dipole moment.
  9. When a nucleus emits beta particles, what is the relationship between the parent and daughter nuclei?
    (A) Isobars (B) Isotopes (C) Nuclear isomers (D) Isotones
  10. What process does uranium-238 decay to thorium-234 involve?
    (A) Alpha radiation (B) Beta radiation (C) Gamma radiation (D) Fission (E) Fusion
  11. If pure P orbitals were used in forming the B-F bonds in BF3, what bond angles would be expected? The actual observed bond angle is 120 degrees. What concept might explain the observed angles?
    (A) VSEPR theory (B) Ligand field theory (C) Molecular orbital theory (D) Hybridization
  12. What term describes complexes that contain less than three d-electrons?
    (A) Stable (B) Inert (C) Unstable (D) Labile
  13. When does a real gas behave like an ideal gas according to the relation PV/T = Constant?
    (A) When the temperature is low (B) When both the temperature and pressure are low (C) When both the temperature and pressure are high (D) When the temperature is high and pressure is low
  14. Which unit represents the largest amount of energy?
    (A) Calorie (B) Joule (C) Erg (D) Electron Volt
  15. In the reaction of Fluorine-19 with a neutron, if nitrogen-16 is formed, what is the other particle given off?
    (A) 10H (B) 24He (C) 10C (D) 11H
  16. Which force is responsible for holding two cubes together when they are pressed against each other and unite to form one cube?
    (A)Vander Waal’s forces (B) Covalent attraction (C) Hydrogen bond formation (D) Dipole-dipole interaction
  17. If P pure orbitals are used in forming the C-H bond in CH4, what angles would be expected? The observed angles are 109 degrees each. What concept might explain the observed angles?
    (A) Molecular orbital theory (B) Ligand field theory (C) Hybridization (D) Crystal field theory
  18. What is the high polymer of Ethylene known as?
    (A) Polytyene (B) Tyrene (C) Tetralene (D) Polythene
  19. What is the formula of potassium cobaltinitrite?
    (A) K2 [Co(NO)6] (B) K3 [Co(NO2)6] (C) K [Co(NO2)6] (D) K3 [Co(NO)6]
  20. Which of the following compounds is an example of a nonstoichiometric compound?
    (A) Al2O3 (B) Fe3O4 (C) NiO2 (D) PbO
  21. Radioactivity due to C-14 isotope (half-life 6000 years) in a sample of wood from an ancient tomb was found to be nearly half that of fresh wood. How old is the tomb approximately?
    (A) 3000 years (B) 9000 years (C) 6000 years (D) 12000 years
  22. What does the principal quantum number determine?
    (A) How far from the nucleus the proton is to be found (B) How far from the nucleus the neutron is to be found (C) How far from the nucleus the electron is to be found
  23. Elements of the s-block all have configurations of:
    (A) ns1/ns2 (B) ns3/ns4 (C) ns5/ns6
  24. A Bronsted acid is a proton:
    (A) Acceptor (B) Donor (C) None
  25. What is the term for the distance between two successive crests or two successive troughs in a wave?
    (A) Wavelength (B) Frequency (C) Wave number

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