Karnal Sher Khan Cadet College Swabi Class 11th Entry Test Past Papers Biology Chemistry

KSKCCS Karnal Sher Khan Cadet College Swabi Class 11th Entry Test Past Papers Biology and Chemistry. Karnal Sher Khan Cadet College First Year Entry Test Past Papers.


Maximum Marks: 50                                        Time: 45 Minutes

Note: Attempt all questions. No over writing or cutting or use of ink remover is allowed. Draw the diagrams where necessary.

Q-1. Fill in the blanks by using correct answer: –                         (10)
a. Root hairs absorb water by osmosis, and salts by ____________________.
b. Oxygen is transported to the body cells, by ________________________.
c. The depression in the middle of human kidney is called ______________.
d. Muscles which are under the control of the well of the animals are called ______________.
e. Cones of the eye work in ___________________.
f. Auxin is produced in the ____________________.
g. The grafted branch is called _________________.
h. The germination of gram is _________________.
j. The alternate forms of genes are called _____________________.
k. Theories of evolution are about the causes of changes occurring in living _______________.

Q-2. Encircle True (T) or False (F) for the following statements.                 (10)
a.  Relaxation of the heart is known as systole.
b. In earthworm the organs of excretion are the flame cells.
c. Tropic are non-directional while nastic are directional movements.
d. Coordination due to nervous system is called nervous coordination.
e. Once a neuron is destroyed, can never be replaced.
f. Gram is monocotyledonous.
g. Sickle cell anemia is controlled by autosomal gene.
h. Genetics and evolution has nothing in common.
j.  Improved affspring are produced by selective breeding.
k.  A community is a group of population of different organism living in the same area.
Q-3. Attempt any five parts. The answer to each part should not exceed 6 to 10 lines.          (30)

a. Write note on heart attack.                                    (6)
b. Write down the structure  of  Nephron briefly.   (6)
c. Describe structure and types of neurons.             (6)
d. What is meant by Reflex action?                 (6)
e. Explain characters of anemophilous flowers.       (6)
f. Describe the structure of “DNA”.                (6)

Read Also: Entry Test  8th Class Model Papers


Maximum Marks: 50                                 Time:45 Minutes

Roll No: _______________             Name: ____________________________________

Note:     Attempt all questions. No over writing or cutting or use of ink remover is allowed: –

Q-1.     Fill in the blanks by using correct answer: –                         (10)
a. When tetra fluoro ethylene is subjected to polymerization, _________ is produced.
b. The general formula of alkynes is _____________.
c. Bronze is an alloy of _______ and __________.
d. Alkali metal hydrides are powerful ___________ agents.
e. CO(g) + 2H2(g)    Catalyst     _________________.
f. The chemical formula of magnetic oxide of iron is __________.
g. Plastic sulphur on heating changes into _________ sulphur.
h. C12 H22 O11(s)    H2SO4(Conc.)    _________________.
j. The radioactive element of 7th group of periodic table is ___________.
k. Silica gel has a remarkable power of absorbing __________from air.

Q-2.     Encircle True (T) or False (F) for the following statements.                 (10)
a. Brine is the name employed for solution of Na2 Co3.
b. The process in which monomers are combined to yield a polymer is called isomerization.
c. The functional group of alcohol is –COOH.
d. Carbon monoxide is widely used as reducing agent in metallurgy.
e. Bleaching powder is prepared from sodium hydroxide and chlorine gas.
f. Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with pieces of Zinc, producing hydrogen gas.
g. In pure form, crystals of SiO2 occurs as Quartz.
h. Anhydrous copper sulphate is hygroscopic.
j. Haematite is an ore     of  helium.
k. The chemical formula of octane is C8H16.

Q-3. Attempt any five parts. The answer to each part should not exceed 10 lines.              (30)

a. Write any three chemical properties of ethene with balanced chemical reactions?        (6)
b. Explain the industrial preparation of chlorine? Also write its chemical reactions involved.    (6)
c. Write down uses of sulphur?                        (6)
d. Define oxidizing and reducing agents with examples?                    (6)
e. Define soft and hard water? Explain types of hardness of water?                     (6)
f. Explain the manufacture of Na2 Co3 and NaHCO3 by Solvay process?                     (6)