Online Test Preparation for PAF

Online Test Preparation for PAF Verbal Intelligence MCQS with Answers. Verbal Intelligence Practice test for PAF NAVY ARMY test preparation.

Question No.1: Which word is the odd one out?
a) Apple
b) Orange
c) Banana
d) Strawberry
Answer: a) Apple

Question: If “CAT” is coded as “FED,” how is “DOG” coded?
a) GPF
b) HPG
c) EOH
d) FPH
Answer: b) HPG

Question: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to “Ebullient.”
a) Calm
b) Eager
c) Timid
d) Sad
Answer: b) Eager

Question: Fill in the blank: “The ____ of the concert was mesmerizing.”
a) Conductor
b) Audience
c) Orchestra
d) Musician
Answer: b) Audience

Question: Which of the following is an antonym for “Abundant”?
a) Scarce
b) Ample
c) Plentiful
d) Copious
Answer: a) Scarce

Question: If “Book” is related to “Author,” then “Film” is related to __________.
a) Director
b) Script
c) Actor
d) Cinema
Answer: a) Director

Question: Arrange the letters to form a meaningful word: “S E R V E”
a) Serve
b) Sevre
c) Versa
d) Serve
Answer: d) Serve

Question: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to “Innocent.”
a) Guilty
b) Pure
c) Virtuous
d) Naive
Answer: a) Guilty

Question: If all roses are flowers, and some flowers fade away quickly, can we conclude that some roses fade away quickly?
a) Yes
b) No
Answer: b) No

Question: Identify the synonym for “Obstinate.”
a) Flexible
b) Tenacious
c) Compliant
d) Submissive
Answer: b) Tenacious

Question No: Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a) Circle
b) Square
c) Triangle
d) Sphere
Answer: d) Sphere

Question: If “EAT” is coded as “5,” and “COW” is coded as “12,” what is the code for “INK”?
a) 7
b) 9
c) 8
d) 10
Answer: c) 8

Question: Which word does not belong with the others?
a) Carrot
b) Potato
c) Tomato
d) Banana
Answer: d) Banana

Question: Choose the correct analogy: Moon is to Night as Sun is to __________.
a) Light
b) Morning
c) Day
d) Shine
Answer: c) Day

Question: Select the word that best completes the analogy: Ocean is to Water as Forest is to __________.
a) Trees
b) Leaves
c) Earth
d) Animals
Answer: a) Trees

Question: “Elated” is to “Sad” as “Confident” is to __________.
a) Anxious
b) Arrogant
c) Modest
d) Timid
Answer: d) Timid

Question: If PRIDE is coded as 92123 and HONOR is coded as 86107, how is RADIO coded?
a) 52149
b) 59843
c) 51643
d) 52147
Answer: a) 52149

Question: Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
a) Accomodate
b) Embarras
c) Occurrence
d) Dilemna
Answer: c) Occurrence

Question: If “Cat” is related to “Feline,” then “Dog” is related to __________.
a) Canine
b) Fido
c) Pet
d) Domestic
Answer: a) Canine

Question: Find the missing number in the sequence: 2, 5, 10, 17, ___, 37, 50.
a) 22
b) 24
c) 26
d) 28
Answer: c) 26

Remember, verbal reasoning tests assess your ability to understand, analyze, and draw conclusions from written information. Practicing such questions can improve your verbal reasoning skills and performance in various assessments.