Universal Testing Services UTS Written Test Assistant Director Posts Syllabus

Universal Testing Services UTS Written Test Assistant Director Posts Syllabus

UTS Written Test Syllabus Assistant Director Investigation Forensic SC Hardware Network Software


Criteria for Deputy Director Investigation

Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

  1. English 20%
  2. Digital Forensics 30%
  3. Information Security 30%
  4. Data Recovery 20%

Total 100%


Criteria for Assistant Director Investigation

Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

  1. English 20%
  2. Digital Forensics 30%
  3. Information Security 30%
  4. Data Recovery 20%

Total 100%


Criteria for Assistant Director Forensic

Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

  1. English 20%
  2. Digital Forensics 30%
  3. Information Security 30%
  4. Data Recovery 20%

Total 100%


Criteria for Assistant Director Stress Counselor

Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

  1. English 20%
  2. Practical Domain (Mental Health Practice & Stress,

Clinical Judgement, Professional Standards & Ethics) 32%

  1. Analytical Domain (Deductive & Inductive Reasoning,

Divergent thinking and Situational analysis) 30%

  1. Theoretical Domain (History of Psychology, Paradigms,

classical and emerging theoretical perspectives) 18%

Total 100%


Criteria for Assistant Director Hardware

Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

  1. English 20%
  2. Digital Logic and Computer Organization 10%
  3. Operating Systems (Windows/Linux/Cloud) 10%
  4. Communications(Digital/Analog/Data) 14%
  5. Computer Architecture & Assembly Language 08%
  6. Hardware Troubleshooting 38%

Total 100%

Criteria for Assistant Director Network

Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

  1. English 20%
  2. Computer Networks 40%
  3. Operating Systems (Windows/Linux/Cloud) 20%
  4. Digital Logic and Computer Organization 05%
  5. Computer Architecture & Assembly Language 05%
  6. Hardware Troubleshooting 10%

Total 100%


Criteria for Assistant Director Software

Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage

  1. English 20%
  2. Programming Fundamentals 05%
  3. Object Oriented Paradigm 05%
  4. Discrete Structures 02%
  5. Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis 15%
  6. Data Science 13%
  7. Software Engineering & Development 05%
  8. Theory of Automata and Formal Languages 10%
  9. Network Programming 05%
  10. Artificial Intelligence 10%
  11. System Programming 08%
  12. Numerical Computing 02%

Total 100%