Current Present Previous Governor General of Canada Updated List

Current Present Previous Governor General of Canada Updated List

Julie Payette 2017- to date

The Right Honourable David Johnston 2010-2017

The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean 2005-2010

The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson 1999-2005

The Right Honourable Roméo LeBlanc 1995-1999

The Right Honourable Ramon John Hnatyshyn 1990-1995

The Right Honourable Jeanne Sauvé 1984-1990

The Right Honourable Edward Schreyer1979-1984

The Right Honourable Jules Léger1974-1979

The Right Honourable Roland Michener1967-1974

General The Right Honourable Georges Philias Vanier1959-1967

The Right Honourable Vincent Massey1952-1959

The Viscount Alexander 1946-1952

The Earl of Athlone 1940-1946

Lord Tweedsmuir 1935-1940

The Earl of Bessborough 1931-1935

The Viscount Willingdon 1926-1931

Lord Byng 1921-1926

The Duke of Devonshire 1916-1921

H.R.H The Duke of Connaught 1911-1916

Earl Grey 1904-1911

The Earl of Minto 1898-1904

The Earl of Aberdeen 1893-1898

The Earl of Derby (Lord Stanley) 1888-1893

The Marquess of Lansdowne 1883-1888

The Duke of Argyll (Marquess of Lorne) 1878-1883

The Earl of Dufferin 1872-1878

Lord Lisgar 1869-1872

The Viscount Monck 1867-1868