Solved General Knowledge Current Affairs for Preparation of PTS ETEA tests Exams

Solved General Knowledge Current Affairs for Preparation of PTS ETEA tests Exams

1. FIFA world cup 2018 hosted by country? Russia
2. Number of OIC muslim states? 57 Members & 5 Observers
3. European Union member states are how many? 28
4. Cold war started and ended Second period of cold war? 1947 – 1991 and 1979-1985 
5. NPT is best described as? Non Proliferation Treaty 
6. AFP is the news agency of country? France
7. Headquarters of ICJ situated? Hague, Netherlands
8. Oldest satellite site is in which country? Russia
9. Head of state of UK is? Elizabeth II
10. Which country was the colony of UK? Burma
11. Oldest tennis game is? Wimbledon
12. Bhishkek is the capital of? Krygystan
13. Suez canal is in between which of seas? Medittereanean Sea and Red sea
14. Objective resolution was presented by? Liaquat Ali Khan
15. First Nobel award was given to which Muslim? Anwar sadat
16. Who’s the biggest produce of cotton? China
17. Collapse of USSR due to: Economic Structure failure
18. United states bombed on Hiroshima on: Economic Structure failure
19. Last Census in Pakistan was held in? March 2017
20. Largest gas resources in which country? Russia

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