Airworthiness Aerospace
Subject Percentage
English 15
Mathematics 15
General knowledge & I.Q 10
Basic Aerodynamics 15
Propulsion System 5
Aircraft Design & Structures 10
Electrical & Electronics Fundamentals 10
Aircraft Mechanics & Control 10
Thermodynamics 10
Total 100
Airworthiness Avionics
Subject Percentage
English 15
Mathematics 15
General knowledge & IQ 10
Basic Aerodynamics 15
Propulsion System 5
Aircraft Design & Structures 10
Electrical & Electronics Fundamentals 10
Communication & Navigation systems 10
Digital System 10
Total 100
Test Composition for Estate Surveyor (SG-05)
Subject Percentage
English 15
I.Q. 10
Basic Mathematics and Geometric
Computations for Land Surveying 25
Surveying & Measurement Theory 10
Traversing, resection and Topographic mapping 10
Property Boundary Principles 10
Basic Legal knowledge of Land matters 10
Basics of Auto-Cad 10
Total 100
Test Composition for Co-Pilot Calibration (EG-01)
Subject Percentage
General Knowledge 10
English 10
IQ 10
Technical – MCQs (Commercial Pilot/
Multiengine specific) 50
Technical – (One Essay type Question) 20
Total 100