List of Practicals of Biology Physics Chemistry Computer Science for Intermediate FA FSc Part 1 11th Class

List of Practicals of Biology Physics Chemistry Computer Science for Intermediate FA FSc Part-1 11th Class pdf download.

List of practicals Biology (part 1)
1.Identification of biochemicals from biological material.
2.Study of effect of temperature,pHvalue and enzyme and substrate concentration on activity of enzyme (Pepsin).
3. Study of animal and plant cells by staining with safarine, acid fuchin , methylene blue,eosin.
4. Investigation of bacterial content of fresh and stale milk.
5. Study of Nostoc from fresh material and prepared slides.
7. Identification of Chorella, Euglena, Volvox, Ulothrix, Ulva from fresh material and prepared slides.
8. Identification of paramecium and amoeba from fresh matrial and prepared slides.
9.Study of Yeast, Ustilago tritici and Pencillin from fresh materials and slides.
10. Examination of Marchantia and Funaria (external morphology) from fresh material and sex organs from prepared slides.
11.Study of Adiatum.
12. Study of Pinus male and female cones from fresh or preserved materials.
13. Description in technical terms of the familes Rosaceae, Solanaceae, Caeselpiniaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae.
14. Exposure of digestive system of frog and cockroach.
15. Exposure of respiratory system of frog.
16. Investigation and measurement of factor affecting rate of transpiration using photometer(factors include wind, removal, of some leaves, covering lower epidermis and veseline).
17. Study from slides of internal structure of monocot, and dicot, root.
18.Study from slides of internal structure of monocot and dicot stem and leaf.
19. Measurement of blood pressure during rest and after exercise with B.P apparatus.

Note: Syllabus of practical will be strictly followed which includes more practicals then mentioned in list.

List of Practicals Chemistry 11th

1. Separation of mixture of inks by using Chromatography.

2. Determination of Melting point of Glucose and Urea.
3. Determination of Boiling point of Ethanol and Acetone.

4. Purification of common salt by using common ion effect.
5. Acid base titration of Acetic acid, Hydrochloric acid and Oxalic acid using NaOH and Na2Co3 as base.

6. Redox titration of KMnO4 and Fe SO4.

Note: Syllabus of practical will be strictly followed which includes more practicals then mentioned in list.
List of Practicals Physics 11th

1. To find out volume/diameter of a cylinder using Vernier Callipers.
2. To find the area of cross section of a wire or volume of small sphere using micrometer screw guage.
3. To find the unknown weight of body by the method of vector addition of forces.
4. Determination of value of g by free fall using an electronic time/ticker timer.
5. Verification of following relations of the simple pendulum:-
(i) Time period is independent of the amplitude.
(ii) Time period is independent of its mass or density or the bob.
(iii) Time period is directly proportional to the square root of its length.
6. To find the acceleration due to gravity by oscillating mass spring system.
7. Verify the second condition of equilibrium using a suspended meter rod.
8. Investigation of the laws of vibration of stretched strings by sonometer or electromagnetic method:-
(i) Law of length.
(ii) Law of mass.
(iii) Law of tension.
9. To determine the wave length of sound in air using stationary waves and to calculate the speed of sound.
10. To determine the focal length of a convex lens by displacement method.
11. To find the refractive index of the material of a prism by critical angle method.

Note: Syllabus of practical will be strictly followed which includes more practicals then mentioned in list.

List of Practicals Computer Science 11th

1. (a) Use of start Menu.
(b) Manage Program group and Documents group.
(c) How to access Search group.
(d) Customize the Desktop.
2. Use of Windows help.
3. Use of Windows accessories:
(a) Word pad.
(b) Calculator.
(c) Paint.
4. Use of Windows accessories:
(a) Managing files and folder.
(b) Using My Computer.
(c) Managing files and folder using Windows Explorer.
(d) Managing Recycle Bin operation.
5. Printer:
(a) Installation of Printer Driver.
(b) Setting of different properties of Printer.
(c) Managing the ques of printing jobs.
MS Word
6. (a) Open and Save files in specified path OR new folders.
(b) Selection of text by different methods and applying a different operation Copying, Moving(by clip board and Drag and Drop method), Deletion.
7. Formating text(Bold, Underline, Font, Color).
8. Using Undo and Redo.
9. Use of Text Alignments, Indenting and Managing Space also use Bullet and Numbering.
10. Use of Page Setup including paper Margin, Size, Paper Source and Layout.
11. Skills of Printer Setting.
12. Use of Tables and Columns.
13. Use of Spell Check, grammar and Phrases.
14. Use of Short cuts.

15. Inserting and Deleting Cells, Rows and Columns.
16. Managing Work Sheets.
17. Formating and customizing Data.
18. Use of Formulas and Function.
19. Drawing of different types of charts.
20. Use of Page Setup and Printing configuration.
21. Use of Short cuts.

Internet Explorer
22. Send/Receive Email to a single user, multiple users.
23. Attach/Detach files with Mail.
24. Browsing internet.
25. Use of Short cuts.
26. Proper use of Search Engine.