KPK Budget for year 2014-15

Khyber Pakhtunkhawa government on Saturday presented a provincial budget of Rs404.80 billion budget for year 2014-15 with an ambitious Rs139.80 billion component for development and containing a 10 per cent increase in the salaries of the government employees.
Presenting the annual budget in the provincial assembly, provincial Finance Minister Sirajul Haq said that the annual receipts and expenditures have been pitched at Rs 404.80 billion, which is 18 per cent higher than the outgoing fiscal year.
This is the incumbent Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government first budget, where Rs265 billion have been allocated for the current revenue expenditures. Giving details of the revenue receipts to be secured in next fiscal year, Haq said that Rs227.120 billion would be provided to the province from the federal taxes, which will be 14.55 per cent more than the outgoing fiscal year. The province also expects to receive Rs27.292 billion as charges incurred in war against unrest. Further, the province is expected to generate Rs29.260 billion from royalty on gas and petroleum produced in the southern areas showing an increase of 6.4 per cent over the current revenue generation.
The province will raise Rs12 billion from general services on sales tax, showing a 100 per cent increase over the current fiscal year. The province owned receipts have been estimated at Rs13.93 billion.
The revenue from province’s owned hydel power generation has been estimated at Rs2.85 billion which is 21 per cent higher than the outgoing fiscal year. The total volume of the province owned revenue receipts has been estimated at Rs28.787 billion, 70 per cent higher than the current fiscal year.
Haq told the house that the province expects to receive Rs12 billion as net hydel profit while the federal government has assured to pay Rs32.27 billion in the next fiscal year as arrears against net hydel profit.
Other miscellaneous generation in the province is expected to generate up to Rs720 million, while Rs35.350 billion expected to be obtained from foreign project assistance.
The budget also makes room for the creation of city traffic police that will be modeled on the existing motorway police.
Budget Overview
Increase of 21% in development funds from last year
14% increase in foreign aid of which 79% are grants
Rs17.9 billion for alleviating poverty (ghurbatmeintakhfeef)
Development budget summary
Previous scholarship program for Grade 6 to 8 students in seven districts will include grade 9 and 10 students this fiscal year and Rs200 million has been allocated.
Rs15m for allowance of women education supervisors in remote areas
Rs100m for sports equipment across province’s schools
Rs360m for Story da Pakhtunkwa program which awards outstanding metric and intermediate students
Rs500m for Iqrafarogh-e-taleem voucher scheme for poor students
Rs100m for monitoring govt schools performance across province
Rs1b for new Rokhana Pakhtunkhwa Programme which will provide financial assistance on UC level to able and poor students who are not in govt schools
Rs240m for promoting girls education in Kohistan and Torghar
Rs2b for additional rooms, toilets, building renovations, power/water connections with community collaboration
Rs500m for CM Endowment Fund for deserving university students
Rs2.5b for free academic books (darsikutb) till intermediate level
Rs1.75b to give status of primary schools to 100 madrassas
Rs500m for treatment of patients of cancer and other fatal diseases
Rs400m for helping treat malaria and dengue
Rs380m for tuberculosis treatment
Rs300m for programme to provide special allowance to reduce child mortality rates, similarly Rs200m for Hosla Afzai of mothers to complete injection courses for their children.
Rs25m for free insulin for sugar patients
Rs1b to provide emergency services facilities at all hospitals of Peshawar and DHQs of the province
Rs500m for initiating BSc and MSc programmes for nurses in province
Rs225m or health insurance schemes for low-income households in Mardan, Malakand, Chitral and Kohat
Rs910m for aRs22b fund aided by the federal govt, Australia and UK for continuing various vaccination, nutrition and child and mother health programmes
Rs60m for improving healthcare delivery in Peshawar, Charsadda, Nowshera, Swat, Haripur, Abbottabad, Kohat, Mardan, Malakand and Chitral
Rs1.5b with support of World Bank for health programmesin Kohistan, Battagram, Torghar, Buner, Lower Dir and DI Khan
Rs100m for a mobile medical service in remote areas of the province
Social welfare, special education & women development
Rs10.7m for school for children deprived of hearing and speech in TakhtBhai
Rs1m for SOMETHING in Charsadda, Swabi, Bannu and Karak
Rs8m for establishing 25 Dastakari (skill)centres in the province
Rs36m for establishing drug rehab treatment centresin Peshawar district
Rs110m for establishing special schools in Mardan, Kohat, Lower Dir, Kohistan, Buner and Battagram for hearing deprived people
Rs700m in Tanzeem Alsaail and Almehroom (deprived) programme for free treatment of 50,000 patients, scholarships for 7,000 students and skill training to 1,400 people
Population welfare
Rs89m for establishing 100 family planning centres in the province
Tourism and Sports
Rs70m for establishing youth centres and promoting youth activities at district levels across province
Rs2.26b for establishing sports grounds across province
Rs20m for talent programmes of all sports
Some figure for schemes in MalamJabba, Chitral, Galiyat, Naran and Kohistan with private sector cooperation
Rs4m for welfare projects for minorities
Rs5m for scholarships for students
Rs60m for renovation of Churches, Temples, etc
Urban development
Rs50m for establishing sasta bazaars across province
Rs300m for establishing bus terminals at selected districts
Rs750m for mass transit system in Peshawar
Rs55m for beautification of Peshawar
Rs1b for beautification for all divisional headquarters
Rs150m for 100 solar-powered pumps in the province
Rs200m for dairy development programmes at the community level
Rs15m for building growing capacity of small farmers
Rs20m for the feasibility report for possible breeding of MahiParwariin K-P’s rivers and lakes
Rs100 million set aside for skill development training for 18-25 year olds
Rs120 allocated for ‘Youth Challenge Fund’ programme
Rs300million to be given in loans to promote solar energy
Rs1 billion earmarked for interest-free loans under independence (khudkafalat) scheme
Rs600 million for (fanni taleem) art or maybe technical education for youth
Rs1 billion allocated to a scheme of long-term loans to promote industry in K-P
Rs1 billion to be spent on the establishment of a technical university
Rs200 million allocated to reviving/maintaining industrial estates in DI Khan, Bannu, Mansehra and Kohat
Rs200 million set aside to establish mineral industrial estate in Chitral
Rs200 million to spent to establishing a small industrial estate in Abbottabad
Regional development
Rs1.7 billion allocated for development work in Kohistan, Torghar and other under-developed southern districts
Rs1.14 billion allocated for clean drinking water and drainage programmes in Peshawar
Energy and electricity
Rs2 million initially earmarked for setting up an oil refinery in Kohat, the project’s estimated cost is Rs700 million
Rs7.52 billion is being spent to build eight hydel power stations in K-P which will generate 659 megawatts
Rs200 million to be spent on a project which will use solar power and alternate energy sources to provide electricity to villages that do not have it.
Rs500 million allocated to run irrigation schemes by using solar power
Rs4.5 billion allocated to set up 365 small power stations
Rs2.30 billion allocated to purchase land for the construction of the Swat Expressway
Rs6 billion set aside to construct Abbottabad Bypass Road
Rs7 billion allocated for construction of northern part of Ring Road
Rs500 million earmarked to build Hayatabad detour road
Rs1 billion set aside for ‘Billion tree tsunami campaign’ scheme
A new project in collaboration with private sector to dispose of waste
Rs5 billion to be given in subsidies to provide food to the poor
Rs16 million earmarked to establish a unit in the labour department to end child labour
Law and justice
Rs5 million set aside to set up mobile courts across K-P
Rs1.5 billion earmarked for ‘Safe city plan’ in Peshawar
Rs200 million earmarked to establish check points (mehfooz hassaar) in Peshawar’s outskirts
Rs125 million to be released to establish a warden system in Peshawar to regulate traffic
Rs500 million will be spent to set up model police stations across K-P
Rs150 million earmarked to set up investigation schools in order to improve investigation system
Science and Technology
Rs250 million allocated to provide facilities to citizens
Rs185 million set aside for arms licences and property tax
Rs30 million set aside for providing computer training to women