CSS Syllabus for Subjects of Law Constitutional Law Mercantile Law Muslim Law and Jurisprudence International Law Internationa Relations

Group F
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.
Note: International Law CANNOT BE opted in combination with International Relations.

Constitutional Law
Mercantile Law
Muslim Law & Jurisprudence
International Law
International Relations

1.Law (Total Marks – 200)

Paper I (Marks – 100)
Civil Procedure Code, Contract Act and Law of Torts.

Paper II (Marks – 100)
Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984, Code of Criminal Procedure and Panel Code.

2.Constitutional Law (Total Marks – 100)

Principles of Constitutional Law with special reference to United Kingdom, United States of America, France, Former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, Pakistan and India.

3.Mercantile Law (Total Marks – 100)

The main principles of law relating to Agreements; Contracts; Bailment; Pledge; Sale of Goods Act; Agency; Partnership Act; Indemnity and Guarantee; Negotiable Instruments Act; Companies Ordinance 1984; Contract Act; Life, Fire and Marine Insurances, Law of Arbitration

4.Muslim Law and Jurisprudence (Total Marks – 100)

1. The Islamic Law as administered in Pakistan
2. Principals of Islamic Jurisprudence
Candidates will be expected to show some familiarity with the original sources.

5.International Law (Total Marks – 100)

International Law: Public International Law, Important cases decided by the permanent court of International Justice, the International Court of Justice and U.N.O., Law of the Sea

6.Internationa Relations (Total Marks-100)

Part – A
1. The modern state system-history, basic features, evolving forms.
2. International Relations as a field of study, Basic Approaches- Power, Balance of Power, Imperialism, Nationalism.
3. Interaction between states-diplomacy, International Law, international economic and trade linkages-pressures in world politics.
Part – B
1. Evolution of the International System since 1815 (Congress of Vienna) Historical Overview.
2. World War III. Decolonization, Rise of the Third World Alliance System (NATO, SEATO. CENTO, WARSAW PACT) Peaceful coexistence: Non-Aligned Movement Theories of Peace and Security in Nuclear Age (Deterrence. Limited war. Crisis Management etc) Détente
Part – C
1. Foreign Policies of the Superpowers, major powers (USA. USSR. China) with special reference to South Asia (India. Pakistan, etc.).
2. Issues in global Politics.
• Nuclear Proliferation.
• Superpower rivalry in the Indian Ocean.
• International economic order.
• Regional Security issues and crises (Afghanistan Crises Iran-Iraq war, Palestine problem, Apartheid and South Africa, Namibia, Polish crises, Eurocommunism, Central American crises etc.)
• Arms Control and disarmament.