CSS Syllabus for Subjects of English Literature Persian Arabic Urdu

Group I:- (National and Foreign Languages)
Subjects carrying not more than 200 marks can be opted.
National/Foreign/Classical Languages: Not more than one of 4 subjects can be opted.
Note: Urdu can not be combined with Regional Languages

English Literature








English Literature (Total Marks – 200)

Paper – I (Marks 100)

Detailed study of a literary age (19th century)
The paper will cover the study of English Literature from 1798 to 1900 with special reference to the works of W. Blake, Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats, Byron, Charles Lamb, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Hardy, George Eliot, J.S. Mill, Ruskin and Oscar Wilde.

Evidence of first hand eading will be required. The paper will be designed to test not only the candidate’s knowledge of the prescribed authors works but also their understanding of the main literary trends during the period. Questions having a bearing on the social and cultural background of the Period also be included.

Paper – II (Marks 100)

The paper will require first hand knowledge of the text prescribed as well as general awareness of the authors major works, and will be desigmed to test the candidates critical ability.

(Total Marks – 200)


PAPER – I (Marks 100)

1. (a) Origin and development of the language.

• Elementary information about: Avesta, Old Persian and Pahlavi languages.
• The advent of Persian prose and poetry in the present script in the Islamic era.
• The earlier Persian prose writers and poets upto 4th century H/10th century A.C.

(b) Significant features of the grammer of the language.

Outline :
• The three tenses, imperative modd (Affirmative and Negative) and muzara for present and future tenses.
• Translation of simple English passage into Persian.
2. Literary History and literary criticism-Literary movements, classical background, Socio-Cultural Influences and modern trends: Origin and development of modern literary genres.

• The literary history should include the development of Persian language and literature, besides Iran in Afghanistan, the Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent and the Persian speaking areas of the Former USSR.
• In classical background. the four styles known as Khurasani, Iraqi. Hindi and Revivalist may be studied.
• In the literary movements the revivalist and purist movements, and in the modern trends, the adaptation of Western loan words in Persian language needs to be emphasised
3. Short essay in Persian


PAPER – II (Marks- 100)


The paper will require firsthand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability.

(a) Texts
1. Farrukhi Seestani. (Qasida on the conquest of Soomnath)
2. Unsar-ul-Maali Qabus (Qabus Nama) Last Chapter 44
3. Rumi Masnavi: Daftar (1st half upto Dastan-e- Peer Changi.)
4. Saadi Gulistan: Chapter 7 & 8.
5. Hafiz Diwan upto radif Rkhan
6. Iqbal

o Asrar-i-Khudi upto Murhilah-e-Siwum Niahat-e-IIahi.
o Javid Nama (Last Chapter) Address to Javid (Dialogue with the new generation).


ARABIC (Total Marks-200 )
PAPER – I (Marks – l00)

1. The Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature.
1. The Quran, its language, contents and style: its influence on the subsequent literature.
2. Quranic semantics and etymology with special reference to lhn Manzoor’s Lisan al’ Arab and Raghib al-Asfahani’s Mufradat fi Gharib al-Quran.
3. Literary Hisfoiy and I.iterary criticism-literary movements. classical backgou nd, socio-cultural influences and modern trends. Origin and development of modern literary genres, including drama, novcl, short story, essay.
4. Contribution of Arabs in the fields of science. philosophy and lin guistics with special reference to the views of the lhn Khaldun, al biruni. al-Jahiz. Ibn Maskawaih, lhn Maja, al-Kasai and Sebawaih
5. A short introduction to Pakistani Arabic literature in the fields of prose and poetry.
6. The contemporary Arabic literature in Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq with special emphasis on the literature of al-Mahjer and its out standing representatives such as Jabran KhaliI Jabran, Ilia Abu Medhi, Mckhail Naeema. and timer Abu Risha.
2. A short Essay in Arabic.

PAPER-II (Marks – 100)

This paper will require first-hand reading of the texts prescribed and will be designed to test the candidates critical ability.
1. 1. Imarul Qais : His Maullaqah :- “Qifaa Nabki mim Zakraa Habibin Wa Manzili” (Complete).
2. Zohair Bin Abi Sulma His Maullaqah “A Min Umme Aufaa Dimnatun lam takalami” (Complete).
3. Hassan Bin Thhit .’ The following five Qasaid from his Daiwan : From Qasidah No. I to Qasidah No. IV and the Qasidah :– Lillahi Darru Kaaba Nadamtuhum.
4. Labeed: Af’atiddiyaru Mahalluha Wa Maqammuha Mahmud Timur: Story : “Ammi Mutawalli”

5. Taufiq Al-Hakim : Dramas : Sirrul Muntahiraa” from his book “Masra-hiyaatu Tu fiqal Haki rn’.
6. Dr. Rana M. N. Ehsan Elahie : Nafais al-Adab, [P.U.B.A. (Hons) Course].
7. Dr. Jalal al-A hawat arid others “Jarikh-ul-A bad-il-A rabi-il-Hadith”
8. Dr. Taha Hussain : Hadith al-A raba’a
9. Isa an-Na’uri : Adab al-mahjer
10. George Saidah : Adabuna wal- Udabafi Adab al-Mahjer
11. Dr. De Boer: The History of Philosophy in Islam
NOTE: Candidates will he required to answer some questions carrying not less than 25% marks in Arabic also.

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