BMAT Tests

BMAT Tests: Practice tests, test preparation, past papers, mock tests, test pattern and criteria.

BMAT Aptitude and Skills Section Practice Sample MCQs Question for Preparation

BMAT Aptitude and Skills Section Practice Sample MCQs Question for Preparation Bio Medical Admissions Test SECTION 1  Aptitude and Skills 1.  Forest fires in Indonesia this year have emitted 1.6 gigatonnes of CO2. To put that in perspective, it has been estimated that the entire world must emit less than 1000 gigatonnes of CO2 every […]

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ATS BMAT Scientific Knowledge and Applications MCQs Questions Answers

ATS BMAT Scientific Knowledge and Applications MCQs Questions Answers  Bio Medical Admissions Test 30 minutes This Section Consists of 27 MCQs Questions SECTION 2:  Scientific Knowledge and Applications 1.  Element X has the electronic structure 2, 8, 3. Which of the following statements about this element are correct? 1  The element is in Group 12,

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BMAT Test Syllabus Format Description

BMAT Test Syllabus Format Description    BMAT – November Time for test: BMAT is a 2-hour Section 1: Aptitude and Skills 35 multiple-choice questions related to following Generic skills in problem solving Understanding arguments Data analysis and inference Section 2: Scientific Knowledge and Applications 27 multiple-choice questions The ability to apply scientific knowledge typically covered

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