World Bank Pakistan Poverty Report

World Bank Pakistan Poverty Report

In the past year, poverty in Pakistan went up a lot to 39.4%. It means more than 12.5 million people now have very little earning to live that is only 3.65 dollar a day, according to the World Bank. This happened because the economy had some big problems, and the World Bank says Pakistan needs to fix them quickly to get financially stable.

World Bank Pakistan Poverty Report

Recently, the World Bank gave some early advice to Pakistan’s leaders, along with other important people, to help the country when the next elections come. This was reported by most of the Pakistan’s leading newspaper.

The increase in poverty is a big deal – now about 95 million people in Pakistan are struggling with poverty. The World Bank’s top economist for Pakistan, Tobias Haque, said that the way Pakistan’s economy works isn’t helping poor people like it should, and their living standards are falling behind other similar countries.

To make things better, the World Bank told Pakistan to do a few things right away. They said Pakistan should start collecting more taxes from things like farming and property, which they haven’t been doing much before. They also said Pakistan should stop spending money on things that are not really needed. These changes could help Pakistan economy get better, even though it would not be easy because they have to make some big changes.