Google new site verification meta tag method and ads txt updates

Google new site verification meta tag method and ads txt updates

Google New site verification meta tag method and ads txt updates last crawled date and time. Real time site ownership verifications.

Google new site verification meta tag method and ads txt updates

Google has made it very easy and faster to confirm that you own a website and to check your ads.txt status. Here are some improvements launched.

Instant website ownership confirmation: When you add a new site to AdSense, we will now quickly confirm that you own it.

New way to confirm ownership: We’ve introduced a new method called ‘meta tag.’ If you do not want to display ads on your homepage, you can use the meta tag instead of the AdSense code snippet.

Ads.txt improvements: In the ‘Ads.txt’ section, Google has also included a ‘last checked’ date and time (e.g., 18 Aug 2023 16:26) so you can see when AdSense last reviewed your ads.txt file. Google has also included a new ‘Check for updates’ button, allowing you to request AdSense to reexamine your ads.txt file.