Facebook Monetizations watch time minutes followers

Facebook Monetizations watch time minutes followers

Ways to Make Money from Your Facebook Page and Facebook Monetizations watch time minutes followers for Stars, In-stream Ads, Fan Subscriptions and Branded Content.

Facebook Monetizations watch time minutes followers

How to earn money from your Facebook page?, four methods to earn:

Stars: Fans send virtual goods called Stars, and Meta pays you for each Star. Stars can be received on videos and live sessions.


Need at least 500 followers for 30 days.
It should also Meet Community Standards and Partner Monetization Policies.
Live in an eligible country (like Pakistan).

In-stream Ads: Short ads can play at the start, end, or during your videos on Facebook pages. Only pages can use these ads.


Post from a page, not a personal profile.
Be at least 18 years old.
Follow Community Standards and Monetization Policies.
Have 10,000 followers.
For video-on-demand, 600,000 total viewed minutes (last 60 days).
5 active videos (excluding cross-posted videos).
Reside in an eligible country and use an eligible language.

Fan Subscriptions: Fans can support your page by paying monthly subscriptions (invite-only).


10,000 page followers or 250+ Return Viewers.
It also reuired 50,000 Post Engagements or 180,000 watch minutes (last 60 days).

Branded Content: Feature third-party products, sponsors, or brands in your content.


Request Access.
Apply for Brand Collabs Manager on Facebook.
Follow Branded Content and Page Monetization Policies.
Facebook Page Monetization Policies

Facebook has three categories of policies:

Community Standards: Basic rules for safety and authenticity that all profiles, pages, and groups must follow.

Promote authenticity, safety, dignity, and privacy.
Partner Monetization Policies: Concerned with the behavior of your page as a whole.

Create eligible, authentic, and original content.
Foster authentic engagement and establish a presence.
Connect with entities following Facebook policies.
Content Monetization Policies: Guidelines for the types of content allowed.

Avoid static images, polls, videos, slideshows with images, text montages, and embedded ads.
Check each policy for more details.

How to Check Eligibility Criteria in Facebook Creator Studio?

Use Creator Studio to check your page’s eligibility and get insights:

Open Creator Studio.
Select your page.
Click on the monetization option on the left to view your eligibility status and requirements.

Note: Currently, only Facebook Stars can be used for monetization in Pakistan. The government is working on a pilot program to explore monetization possibilities and policies.