Kia Picanto Stonic Sportage New Increasesed Prices

Kia Picanto Stonic Sportage New Increasesed Prices

Kia Picanto Stonic Sportage New Increasesed Prices announced by Lucky Motor Corporation. Current prices of Picanto Automatic, Stonic EX+, Sportage AWD and Sportage Black ‘Limited Edition.

Kia Picanto Stonic Sportage New Increasesed Prices

In recent news, Lucky Motor Corporation Limited (LMCL) has decided to increase the prices of some of their popular car models, including the Picanto Automatic, Stonic EX+, Sportage AWD, and Sportage Black Edition. The company has not told about any reason for this price increase.

Starting from September 6th, customers will find the following new prices for these models:

  • Picanto Automatic: Old Price – Rs. 3,825,000, New Price – Rs. 3,950,000 (Increase of Rs. 125,000)
  • Stonic EX+: Old Price – Rs. 6,050,000, New Price – Rs. 6,280,000 (Increase of Rs. 230,000)
  • Sportage AWD: Old Price – Rs. 8,820,000, New Price – Rs. 8,920,000 (Increase of Rs. 100,000)
  • Sportage Black ‘Limited Edition: Old Price – Rs. 9,300,000, New Price – Rs. 9,650,000 (Increase of Rs. 350,000)

This marks the second time in just two months that LMCL has raised their car prices. Interestingly, the Sportage AWD has experienced the smallest price increase compared to the other models.

The car industry in Pakistan has been facing challenges lately, impacting LMCL and other automakers. Kia, in particular, has seen a decline in its momentum over the last couple of years, mainly due to the ongoing economic difficulties in the country. While the company did see a slight increase in sales in June, it wasn’t significant enough to make a substantial difference.

It’s important to note that the entire automobile industry in Pakistan is facing tough times, struggling to maintain their operations. These price hikes, although unfortunate for consumers, are often a result of the challenging economic landscape that these companies are navigating.