FPSC Oriental Teachers Jobs Syllabus MCQS Papers pdf. Oriental Teachers test criteria and pattern. Online practice test preparation.
Job Title: 110 Oriental Teachers (Male)
Grade: BS-16 plus 25% special pay
Status: Permanent
Department: Education Department, Gilgit Baltistan
Ministry: Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan
Minimum Qualification: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Arabic/Urdu/Persian or equivalent qualification recognized by HEC
Age Limit: 20-28 years (plus 5 years general relaxation in upper age limit)
Domicile/Quota: Gilgit Baltistan (Open merit: 105, Minorities/Non-Muslims quota: 05)
Closing Date: 19.06.2023
Job Title: 53 Oriental Teachers (Female)
Grade: BS-16 plus 25% special pay
Status: Permanent
Department: Education Department, Gilgit Baltistan
Ministry: Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan
Minimum Qualification: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Arabic/Urdu/Persian or equivalent qualification recognized by HEC
Age Limit: 20-28 years (plus 5 years general relaxation in upper age limit)
Domicile/Quota: Gilgit Baltistan (Open merit: 50, Minorities/Non-Muslims quota: 03)
Closing Date: 19.06.2023
FPSC Test Syllabus:
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Part-I Subject Test = 70 marks
Part-II Professional Test=30 marks
For Arabic Degree Holders
Part-I (Master’s Level)
History of Arabic literature, Arabic Phonetic, Arabic Syntax & Vocabulary, Arabic Grammar usage, Arabic Sentence Structure
Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy
For Urdu Degree Holders
Part-I (Master’s Level)
History of Urdu literature, Urdu Phonetic, Urdu Poetry, Urdu Syntax & Vocabulary, Urdu Grammar usage, Urdu Sentence Structure
Part-II Teaching Techniques and Methodology , Classroom Management and Discipline , Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy
For Persian Degree Holders
Part-I (Master’s Level)
History of Persian literature , Persian Phonetic , Persian Poetry , Persian Syntax & Vocabulary , Persian Grammar usage, Persian Sentence Structure
Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Classroom Management and Discipline, Testing and Evaluation, Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy
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